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HMRC error delays child benefit payments

Jun 5, 2024

Mass complaints erupted nationwide after half a million families failed to receive child benefit payments. HMRC apologised on X (formerly Twitter) on 3 June, attributing the issue to a processing error, which has now been resolved. The missed payments will be made on Wednesday, 5 June, while Tuesday's payments proceeded normally.

As of August 2023, 6.9 million families were receiving child benefit payments every four weeks, either on a Monday or Tuesday. The allowance is £25.60 per week for the first child and an additional £16.95 for each subsequent child under 16.

Money expert Martin Lewis polled his X account to gauge the issue's impact. According to the poll, 22.5% of respondents had not received their payment despite expecting it.

HMRC said:

"We are working to get payments out as quickly as possible to those people who were expecting their child benefit today but didn't get it.

"We are sorry for the delay and will give an update here soon. Payments due on Tuesday will be made on time."

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