Looking after  YOUR BUSINESS

HMRC considers self-assessment improvements

Dec 8, 2021

HMRC has launched a call for evidence on how to reform the registration process of income tax self-assessment for the self-employed and landlords.

Part of the Government's 10-year tax administration strategy, the call for evidence will be of interest to self-employed individuals with views on how and when individuals should register, and how to improve the overall experience with self-assessment.

Lucy Frazer, financial secretary to the Treasury, said:

"The early days of business for the newly self-employed and landlords are a busy time when tax obligations may not be a priority.

"The Government wants to understand whether bringing forward the point at which the newly self-employed and landlords are required to identify themselves to HMRC will help support taxpayers to develop good tax habits early, ultimately creating a better taxpayer experience."

HMRC's questions include the extent to which individuals understand the tax process, how well the newly self-employed are able to learn about their obligations and the challenges faced during the process.

The call for evidence will run for 12 weeks, opening on 30 November 2021 and ending on 22 February 2022.

Talk to us for help with your self-assessment tax return.